Los Bunkers in my city

Hello FAU colleagues Today I'm going to talk to you about a concert I went to a while ago, it was in my city and it was from a group that I like a lot. Actually I don't usually go to many concerts but the one I'm going to talk about is one that I enjoyed a lot, the concert I went to was in Arica and it was by the Bunkers, it was at the beginning of 2024 and I went with my brother, it was my brother who taught me this band and in addition to that, He was the one who took me to this concert, I really enjoyed spending time with him and they also played many songs that I like. The best of the concert was they played several musics, but especially "Llueve sobre la ciudad" which I think is one of the most iconic of the band, among many others that they sang that day, one that resonates in my mind is "Bailando solo" that I like a lot.


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